For me Bohinj is the most beautiful place in the world
Blooming apple trees and green waters of Ribnica and Mostnica overwhelm me in Spring. Then the pastures start blooming. In hot summer days only few swings in the clear lake are enough to feel like re-born. And beautiful Autumn, when live colors of woods reflect in the lake and the mountains are inviting you to visit them.
In several mountain cottages you can taste homemade quark and cheese or just enjoy the peacefulness. Time really stops here if you allow it to. Winters are not what they used to be but there are still days when sun wakes you up and view on the snow-covered landscape fills you with energy. Hopefully from Vogel mountain, where you can ski down on the newly fallen snow on “Žagarjev graben”.
On »Pr` Mružo” farm my ancestors used to live. Based on their storytelling, the farm got its name by master Ambrož. Each house in Srednja vas has its own antient name and the locals know who is who only by these names.
A house in the middle of the peaceful village on the address Srednja vas 12 used to be a place, where villagers sung and danced. Last master of the house was Martin, my grandfather, who married to the house. He renovated the house two times. First time in the year 1949 when his son (my father) was born and the village got burned and second time in the year 2000 after the earthquake in Posočje. In order the house not to be empty anymore, we have decided to renovate it and give it life again. Let it be related to the name “Ambrož”, in Latin “Ambrosius” – immortal, divine or just to the fact that it is a paradise in the middle of the Europe and it would be a sin having it any different.
– Asja

Who are we?
Smo 4-članska družina iz okolice Ljubljane. Med zasluženim dopustom zelo radi potujemo. Čeprav drugotnega pomena, nam na potovanjih nastanitev veliko pomeni. Na osnovi svojih izkušenj in želja, smo obnovili in opremili apartmaje pri Mružo.

Basic information and contact
Asja Ljubanovič s.p.
Lahova cesta 26,
Šmarje – Sap,
1293 Šmarje-Sap,
- +386 (0)31 819 772